Reinventing Insight Delivery for Insurance Company

Client Overview:

 A prominent reinsurance enterprise, serving a network of general insurance companies nationally.

The Challenge

The client experienced challenges in efficiently disseminating critical insights to their partners, leading to decreased engagement and potential missed opportunities.

Our Approach

Understanding their need for a proprietary, brand-centric platform, we utilized our geospatial intelligence tools. We tailored these tools, incorporating data integration and task automation, to suit their distinct needs. A core challenge was the massive daily inflow of un-geocoded exposure data. We tackled this with our bulk geocoding system and integrated it with their geo-hazard data for floods, earthquakes, and more. This allowed for prompt analysis regarding geo-hazards’ potential impacts on exposures.

Exposure Management
Earthquake insurance exposure geospatially presented based in geo-location and year-to-year statistics with a per-risk resolution.
Exposure at Risk
A comprehensive understanding of Indonesia catastrophe hazard levels: earthquake, tsunami, flood, volcanic eruption, liquefaction, and sea level rise due to climate change.
Realtime Catastrophe Loss Estimation
Rapid insurance loss estimation due to earthquakes throughout Indonesia.

The Journey

Spanning six months, we executed the project in three distinct phases: System Integration, Platform Customization, and User Experience Enhancement. Each phase was methodically executed, ensuring alignment with the client’s objectives.


The new system greatly increased the engagement levels among the client’s insurance partners. They gained immediate access to their exposure data and could seamlessly assess geo-hazards’ potential impacts.

Feedback: Our client expressed satisfaction with the revamped delivery mechanism, especially the fast-paced data access and clear visualization. They appreciated our adaptive approach and recognized the dedication of our team throughout the project.

Reflections: The project emphasized the importance of flexible systems integration and reinforced our commitment to continuous innovation. Given the successful implementation and its resulting benefits, the client chose to engage in a long-term subscription with us.

“By incorporating tailored solutions, we aimed for an enhanced user experience..”

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